Being a sports executive on any level involves a lot of hard work to get projects done the way your clients expect. A key aspect of retaining quality clients is learning how to effectively communicate with each one on their level. Each of my clients is unique and special and I communicate with them according to their personality and our mutual comfort level.
You have friends that you have varying levels of emotional intimacy with; some you might talk to every day while others you catch up with when you can and small talk is the main staple. Clients are the same. You will become close friends with some and others are on the periphery of your circle. Both are o.k.
As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned some valuable lessons on what makes client communication effective. No matter what you do for a living, you can put these lessons to work in your business or work environment.
A – Accentuate – Your clients are your clients because they choose to be. You didn’t take a gun to their head and threaten them to become your client or else. They liked what your company represents and they decided on you over the competition. After the sale is made, the best thing you can do for client retention is emphasize and accentuate your client’s strengths. Thank them for being a great client. Genuinely and openly, let them know you appreciate them.
B – Break – If a continually difficult client is hindering your business progress and draining you of precious mental and emotionally energy, break it off with graciousness and dignity. Instead of, “beat it jerk” perhaps, “I don’t feel this is a good client/vendor match” would be a better way of saying it. “Firing” bad clients will create space in your life for higher quality clients who will bring more value to your business.
C – Creativity – Being creative is the act of being clever, imaginative, and innovative. What new imaginative solutions have you designed for your clients this week? Do you use or mail an occasional small gift certificate to show your appreciation? In what creative ways can you solve the very problems they’ve hired you for? Brainstorm for some innovative ideas to take your clients to the next level.
Image by puzzledmonkey