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How To Get A Job In Sports with SF Giants Bryan Srabian (Part 4)

Part 4 of 4 video interviews with SF Giants – Social Media Director – Bryan Srabian

So, we’ve talked with Bryan about his role with the Giants and how they approach their social media strategy.

Then we heard about some of the SF Giants most creative social media campaigns and how they have managed to integrate social media into their sponsorships in an effort to monetize their social media efforts!

How To Get A Job In Sports

In this final video interview, Bryan shares his best tips for anyone looking to land their dream job in sports.  Here are just a few things you’ll hear in the interview:

  • Why there has never been more opportunity to work in sports, but also why it’s more difficult to break in than ever
  • Why saying you “want it more” than anyone else…..doesn’t mean anything
  • The importance of setting your long term gameplan before pursuing your dream job in sports
  • Why you shouldn’t let Mark Cuban tell you that you shouldn’t pursue a job in sports


If you’d like to connect with Bryan online, you can find him on Twitter Linkedin and Google+

What do you think about Bryan’s advice on how to land a job in sports? What was his best tip?  Let us know in the comments below and/or send us a tweet to @sportsnetworker

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6 Responses to How To Get A Job In Sports with SF Giants Bryan Srabian (Part 4)

  1. cswitaj April 13, 2012 at 2:27 pm #

    What a great series of interviews with @srabe. Thank you for putting this together, Trevor! Bryan’s work with the San Francisco Giants is a tremendous blueprint for not only a sports team’s integrated approach to social media, but any brand’s use of new media platforms in the overall marketing and communications strategy. Every organization now has the chance to directly provide fans with in-depth, behind-the-scenes coverage, insight and two-way communication that can make them feel connected in unprecedented ways.
    As someone in the early stages of a career in sports, I really connected with Bryan’s advice to those looking for jobs – get into the industry, work hard, make connections, learn from everyone around you – once you secure a job or internship, become a sponge at the workplace. You may not realize it at the time, but every encounter will help you in the future. 

  2. trevorturnbull April 13, 2012 at 2:57 pm #

     @cswitaj Thanks very much……Bryan was great to interview!  He’s definitely one of the ones that “get’s it” when it comes to social media.  And, I agree…..his advice on how to get a job in sports was easily the best part of the interviews 🙂

  3. willsteve3 July 17, 2012 at 10:02 pm #

    Wow! that is awesome post, how i love to have a job at the sports but i ain’t much of a sporty type. I watch baseball, football, and basketball but i’m not the type to move like these athletes do, i envy their power and agility. This is great article, i have been reading a lot about a href=””>how to get  a job</a> in the sports industry and it let me here. 
    Have a good day!

  4. willsteve3 July 17, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

    Wow! that is awesome post, how i love to have a job at the sports but i ain’t much of a sporty type. I watch baseball, football, and basketball but i’m not the type to move like these athletes do, i envy their power and agility. This is great article, i have been reading a lot about a how to get  a job in the sports industry from this website and it lead me here.  Have a good day!

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