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Tag Archives | baltimore orioles

MLB Playoffs: Comparing the Matchups via Social Media

With the Wild Card playoff games over and done with, protests denied, and the Division Series games underway, it’s time to look at the remaining matchups a little closer. Be it from loyal fans or playoff bandwagoners  many of the remaining teams have strong online presences, but how do the teams stack up in terms of…

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MLB Facebook Pages – Top vs Worst Teams

It can be argued that the best teams should have the best MLB Facebook Pages. If a team is successful on the field, you’d expect they’d be able to capitalize on fan fervor and strengthen their fan connection online.  On the flip side, it might also be argued that the worst teams have nowhere to…

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The Multi-Purpose NFL Stadiums Trend

(This is a guest post by Brad Acker)

Many of the articles that I’ve been reading have pointed out that the multi-purpose stadium tread ended when Camden Yards, home of the Baltimore Orioles, was built in 1992.

Why I agree that Camden Yards was a historical turning point for sports venues, I disagree that it ended the trend. The past few years have shown us that it just doesn’t work financially to have a single-use stadium.

Of course Baltimore’s level of play on the field hasn’t exactly helped!

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Are the Baltimore Orioles Relevant Again?

(This is a guest article by Stephen Lombardo) A question like this has not been asked for more than a decade.  They have had plenty of talent come in and out of their organization over the past few seasons.  Now that we have entered a new decade, I believe that it is time to look…

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