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Athletes on Twitter: Which are Getting Beat by Tweets and Who’s a Winner?

Athletes on Twitter: A Popular Pastime off the Field There was a time we admired athletes for their physical prowess and feats of heroic strength, but we didn’t really know their true colors. It’s awfully difficult to get to know someone from the five words they say in the locker room during the post-game interview….

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.2.14

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business ACC Expansion Will Pay Off In New TV Deal “ACC expansion will mean at least $1 million to $2 million a year in additional revenue for each of the conference’s existing schools, according to…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.2.7

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business Baseball, Not Football, Has the Super Salaries “Welker makes $2.5 million a year. That’s a great haul until you consider what a worker bee like Welker would make in a baseball uniform. There always has…

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Sports Web site Boasts Fan’s DNA

There are sports fans, and then there are sports fans. There is no better example than at the upcoming Super Bowl party you will attend. Every party has that relative or family friend that is interested in the social gathering; after a few mini hot dogs and a few too many drinks he’s asking why…

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