We are about to enter Sports Symposium season. This Friday is the granddaddy of them all: The Princeton Sports Symposium. Amongst the panelists are former Baltimore Orioles and Chicago White Sox general manager Roland Hemond, Sports Illustrated senior writer Tom Verducci, President of Ponturo Management and chairman of the Leverage Agency sports marketing firm Tony…
Last updated by Lewis Howes at .
Tag Archives | Lewis Howes
How to Increase Ticket Sales for Your Sports Team
I had the pleasure to meet with fellow SportsNetworker.com writer, Bill Guertin, during one of my business networking events that I hold around the country. This event happened to be in Cleveland where Bill was doing some ticket sales consulting with the Cleveland Cavs and meeting with the Cleveland Browns as well. I already knew…
How To Write For The Sports Industry (Video)
Terry Lefton is a killer writer for the SportsBusiness Journal, and I was fortunate enough to meet up him during the Marquis Jet Super Bowl party in Tampa. He shares some great insights about how difficult it is becoming a writer in the sports industry, but by specializing early you have a much greater chance…
How To Use Social Media [VIDEO]
This is a video with my top ways to use social media. To be honest with you, I don’t talk about how this relates to the sports industry at all. However, all of these principles apply to your sports industry and social media marketing online. They also apply to helping you build your personal brand…
Need A Sports Sponsor? Find Success With SponsorPitch.com
Are you looking for a sponsor but are finding it harder to get funding because sponsors are cutting budgets and “spending smarter”? If so, SponsorPitch.com is your answer. Properties are fighting harder for sponsorships and looking for every edge they can get in reaching decision-makers. Luckily for us SponsorPitch is a company that provides a…
11 Positive Outcomes From Hosting A Networking Event
One way to expand your reach in the sports industry, or any industry for that matter, would be to host your own networking event. It would be great to host a large industry trade show like the National Sports Forum, a Sports Business Journal Event, or the U.S. Sports Film Festival, but for most of…