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Using Sports Psychology to Become A Better Coach

Many times, coaching athletes involves looking at them from a sports psychology perspective. Enhancing even the best player’s physical performance is only part of the end goal. Coaches should strive to support their athletes mentally and emotionally, all while preparing themselves to deal with the psychological challenges of being a coach. Below, we’ve compiled a…

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The Social Development of Athletes – Part II

Last Friday I left you considering the cause and effect of the sports industry on professional football players.  I showed in Part I how athletes are developed, and I detailed some of the common career events in professional football.  Lets dig a little deeper now and explore the  football player we see off the field….

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Sports Psychology

The Sports Psychology Behind Great Athletes, Both Past And Present (INFOGRAPHIC)

Sports psychology involves the study and examination of how various psychological factors affect athletes’ performance on the field, in the gym, and on the ice. The infographic below — courtesy of — that pertains to sports psychology highlights the many psychological characteristics of great athletes, including focus, drive and volition, emotional control, calmness, and confidence. Additionally, the visual…

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Sports Psychology

Jobs In Sports Psychology: How To Land Your Dream Job In Sports

Want to help professional athletes perform at their most optimal level? Or how about guide a struggling youth overcome his or her mental problems on the field or in the gym? Well, how about becoming a sports psychologist. Sports psychologists focus on athletes’ and coaches’ minds — both young and old — in order to…

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How Mental Toughness Can Help You Excel In Sports Business (VIDEO)

Are you trying to break into the sports industry?  If so, you probably already know that sports jobs are highly competitive!  When you throw your name in the hat for that highly sought after position, the fact is that you are likely one of a thousand applicants.  So, how do you stand out in the…

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