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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.2.7

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business Baseball, Not Football, Has the Super Salaries “Welker makes $2.5 million a year. That’s a great haul until you consider what a worker bee like Welker would make in a baseball uniform. There always has…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.1.31

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business Dodgers Sale: Moneyball Part II “Columbia Pictures’ Moneyball was nominated for a handful of Academy Awards on Jan. 24. At Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, across town from the studio where this box office…

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